

Urgent Call to Uphold the Constitution and Restore Integrity!

To: The President, Vice-President, Cabinet Members, Members of Congress, Red State Governors, Blue State Governors Dear Esteemed Leaders, We, the People of the United States, are profoundly disturbed by the current state of affairs and the apparent dismantling of our Constitution. The foundations upon which this nation was built are being undermined, and we demand immediate action to rectify this alarming situation. We call upon the Senate to cease its undue pressure on individuals, compelling them to abandon their conscience...

Take a stand

Life’s Journey: Finding Joy in Every Moment!

  I was here… As we walk through Life, how many of you think about how you will be remembered? What mark have you left on another person’s Life or in this world? Proof that you were here! I believe that we all have a purpose in Life, and if we go about finding out what that purpose is…we will start to leave footprints on the face of this world, which will describe exactly who we were and what we were about....

The power of choice

The Power Of Choice: Impact of Skin Color!

Many black people know all too well the discrimination that comes with having darker skin. Colorism is a real issue within the black community, as well as in society at large.  Dark-skinned black people are often seen as inferior to light-skinned black people, leading to many problems. However, it is important to remember that skin color is just one factor that makes up a person. Black people of all skin tones can be beautiful, successful, and loved.  The key is to love...

The blind

The True Meaning of Just Being Yourself

1. Introduction… The true meaning of just being yourself is often misunderstood. We live in a society that is constantly telling us to conform to its standards and norms. But what does it mean just to be yourself? The true meaning of being yourself is accepting yourself for who you are without trying to be someone you’re not. It means being comfortable in your skin, no matter your color or sexuality, or not caring what other people think of you. Being yourself...



Hey there! It’s been a while since I posted anything here. I’m sure you’re all wondering where I’ve been and what I’ve been up to.  I’ve been sulking. Sulking because of the current state of our government and, more specifically, the dumb azz Republicans …people voted into Congress.  Before you write me off as a liberal hater, let me say  I’m not pro-republican or democrat… I’ll give anyone credit when they deserve it. See…this is life; you will never get...