

The Power of Our Words: Choosing to Build or Destroy!

We’ve all experienced it: voicing frustrations about traffic, complaining about co-workers, or feeling let down by a missed chance. Whether you know it or not, complaining is as inherent as breathing and can often serve as a release. However, as the proverb states, “Complaining is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but doesn’t take you anywhere.” All it does is generate anxiety and stress for those around you. My purpose in weaving together my stories isn’t...

Self-Discovery through Who Am I?

Self discovery…I’m writing this post for those trying to discover who they are.   It is meant to help you understand what you want out of life and pursue it. Before we begin, I want to make two things clear:  there is no one path that everyone should take  and everyone has different needs.  I intend to talk in bold, general terms to help you in your journey of self-discovery.  It requires vulnerability to admit something wrong with how you’ve...

The Journey: Through The Eyes Of A Child!

We all take a journey in life. There is no way to avoid it; we are born and die. We may not know it, but there will come a time when we have to step back and reflect on that journey. It can be scary or exciting, depending on how your life has progressed.  Sometimes you have to reach deep down inside yourself, or you have to turn your head and look at where you’ve been, and sometimes you have...

Life is a Journey, not a Destination: Liv in the Moment!

  Life is a journey, not a destination. The most important thing to remember when living in the moment is that there is no such thing as a perfect life.  Challenges will always arise, and people will attempt to bring you down and make your life harder than it needs to be.  You can still find good every day despite negativity and stress. Keeping a focus on the present and not worrying about what might happen tomorrow and next week...

The Circle Of Life: A Perspective On Things.

The circle of life is hard. There are so many facets to living, and it is easy to become overwhelmed with responsibilities. Sometimes, it feels like there are no breaks or holidays. You do what you have to do for the surrounding people, only stopping when you are too tired to go on. Then you start all over again the next day with a fresh set of worries and problems. It’s not always easy to come up with new perspectives...