

My History Education…

David Walker (September 28, 1796 – August 6, 1830) was an influential American abolitionist, writer, and anti-slavery activist. Born to a free mother and an enslaved father, he was free himself due to the principle of partus sequitur ventrem.  In 1829, while residing in Boston, he published “An Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World,” which called for black unity and resistance against slavery.  His work highlighted the injustices of slavery and urged individuals to act according to their...


Disgraced President: Never Deserved It !

Disgraced…When President Trump was elected, many people were shocked. How could someone with little experience and so many controversies surrounding him become the leader of the free world? Moreover, it’s hard to believe that it’s been almost four years since Donald Trump left the Oval Office as President.  Yet, it feels like he was insulting our intelligence only yesterday, telling us that he would make America great again, and promising to drain the swamp.  And now, here we are. Trump is...

The insane, the stupid, and the lousy

The insane, the stupid, and the lousy weather destroy, spoiled,by the so-called Conservative mindset. Is aid to the poor a movement towards equality, or is it an inequitable burden for the middle and upper classes? Does permission for abortion defend American women’s freedom, or does it promote the end of human life? Or elected officials representatives of the people, or is it only for themselves? These and many other issues reflect a wide range of political attitudes that shape the...