July 9, 2022

The Truth hurts…at least, that’s what I tell myself when I’m feeling down about something. If you’re like me, you might find yourself in a similar situation from time to time.

Generally speaking, in our society today, the truth may be hard to swallow, but to be happy, you must be comfortable with it, even if it hurts.

I’m no expert; however, I feel that people should look for the silver lining in every situation because it’s usually where the truth lies.

There is an old saying…the truth will set you free. Even when things seem terrible, there’s usually something good that can come from it.

Anyway, in this blog post, I’ll share some of the things that help me when I’m feeling down.

So without further ado!


The truth is something a lot of people choose not to believe nowadays. However, it is the foundation of relationships and the cornerstone of our beliefs.

Similarly, it is the light that guides us through the dark times.

Moreover, it’s no secret that our world is a formidable place, and…there are always challenges and difficulties to face.

Most importantly, telling the truth is worth it, even when it hurts like hell. But it’s important to remember that the truth is always worth seeking out, no matter how hard it may be to find.

Sure, the truth may not always be pleasant. But it’s still the truth. 

We all have moments where we need to hear the truth, and the only thing worse than a lie is not knowing what happened and being left with questions unanswered.

So don’t be afraid to seek the truth, even when it hurts.

It’s worth it in the end.

2. Why the Truth Matters

In a world where it’s becoming increasingly easy to manipulate the truth, with fake news and alternative facts, it’s more important than ever to seek the truth.

Also, it’s more important than ever to stand up for what’s right.

For example:

The former president’s lies affected people around him and even those far away from him… who would read what he said in newspapers or hear it through broadcasts because they believed everything this man said without questioning any details…

The thing is that while they could see with their own eyes the bold-faced lying the man did without skipping a beat, creating dangerous situations;

Unfortunately, our leaders could have come out and told the Truth Instead! However, they didn’t.

His most dangerous lie: was more like a family of lies instead of a single one.

  • The first lie, the virus was equivalent to the flu; and that the virus was “totally under control“;
  •  He said the virus was “disappearing,” suggesting Americans didn’t have to change their usual behavior.
  • He disregarded the crisis, where more than 386,000 Americans have died from the virus.

The appalling lie: He won the 2020 election

It’s a sad day when we can’t trust our president. It seems like every time he opens his mouth; lies are tattooed on the back of it.”

Trump’s White House campaign against reality has culminated with his lie that he was the winner of the 2020 presidential election.

Most of us knew it was nonsense. But, for millions of addlebrained Americans, it was the truth.

But why does the truth matter? The truth matters because our beliefs shape our reality.

Because what we believe to be true affects our actions and decisions and ultimately determines the course of our lives. (January 6, 2022 insurrection)

If we believe in lies and falsehoods, we will make choices based on those beliefs and end up in a place we never intended. (January 6, 2022 insurrection)

So the next time you’re tempted to believe something just because it’s convenient or comforting, remember that the truth matters.

3. Honesty is the Best Policy

In a world full of lies and deception, it’s refreshing to hear a little bit of honesty.

The next time you’re tempted to tell a little fib, remember that it is best for your good and the good of others. Why?

We may get caught and have trouble explaining ourselves when someone finds out later on down the road (think marriage vows!), which could lead to even bigger problems – trust me, I’ve seen this happen!

 And most importantly, though…I know how hard being truly honest works sometimes-especially if there’s some big secret involved, like gambling or drinking too much alcohol while concealing the truth.

So go ahead and be honest – it’s the best policy!

4. The importance of telling the truth

We all know that honesty is best. Regardless, what happens when you choose to tell lies?

  • The Importance of Truth
  • Truth matters to us as individuals and society as a whole.
  • As individuals, being truthful means that we can grow and mature, learning from our mistakes.
  • For societytruthfulness makes social bonds, and lying and hypocrisy break them.

If you doubt this, consider what happens when you find out that someone has lied to you. You feel less inclined to trust next time and also less inclined to trust other people more generally.

5. The bottom line: The truth is always worth it

There’s an old saying that the truth is always worth it. But what does that mean?

  • All truth passes through three stages:
  • It is ridiculed.
  • It is violently opposed.
  • It is accepted as being self-evident.
  • Arthur Schopenhauer

So, the next time you’re tempted to withhold the truth or to tell a little white lie, remember that the truth is always worth it. Your relationships and your integrity will thank you for it.

The truth makes all things complete, brings things to fulfillment, and brings things to an end. It completes the circle of life and reality. E. B. Staples

Devotion requires a willingness, openness, and readiness to embrace the truth. It is a process of opening yourself to receive what already is.

God’s goodness and love already exist. God’s love leads us to the truth. Iyanla Vanzant,

Thanks for Reading!

The Invisible Wounds We All Carry!
Mae Mallory: Civil Rights Activist -N-Self-Defense Advocate!
More about JusMee

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