7 Ways to Fight Hate – It Starts With You!

HateThe word hate has been used far too often in recent years. It emerged from undercover when the 2016 presidential campaign started and mass shootings in Europe occurred. 

Hearing hate speech can overwhelm you and make you want to avert your eyes. 

However, if you know what causes hate – and how to help fight it – you can take control of your life.

Here are some ways to help fight hate – it starts with you.

The Problem with Hate


Hate begins with a problem. Rather than accept someone who is different, they lash out and let their feelings be known.

Many of us know someone who has been the victim of hate speech. Perhaps this person has been called names and has had their appearance ridiculed online or in person. 

A person might be bullied because of their religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, or nationality. 

In any case, hate is never ok – no matter the cause. Don’t ignore it when you see it happen to someone else – whether it was directed at them or you saw it in an online article.

 You can help by being an advocate for change and helping fight hate wherever you see it by speaking up and out about it ….and telling people that hate isn’t ok!

How to Fight HateHate

From an early age, children are taught how to accept everyone and everything.

 With the rise of social media, young people are exposed to hateful speech and actions daily. 

This can lead them to believe that hate is acceptable. If you see negative words or comments in your feed, respond back with positivity.

 You might not feel like you have the time to do this, but it’s important to show your friends and family that there is always a way to fight hate.

Beyond that, show support for those who are fighting hate in whatever way they choose. 

There are many ways people can help – whether it’s donating money or volunteering their time at a nonprofit organization. 

A simple act of kindness can go a long way in helping someone fight hate.

What Can You Do?

First, identify the causes of hate. There are many factors, but a common one is fear.

 When you feel threatened, you become defensive and act out in multiple ways. Read more

It can be easy to blame someone else or the situation, but you can take control of your life by taking personal responsibility.

Next up: find your voice. Speak against hate when it happens to you and stand up for what you believe in. 

Not everyone has a platform like Facebook or Twitter to voice their opinion, but if you’re feeling brave enough to share something with someone who may not agree with you, then go for it!

Last but not least: engage with the people around you who disagree with the things that make you uncomfortable about your life

Talk about these things openly and with respect for your opinions and beliefs. Remember: we’re all humans and we all want the same thing – a better future where we can love each other without judgement.


Hate is on the rise in our society. There are many reasons for this, but one of them is the lack of empathy in society. 

The only way we can combat hate is if we begin with ourselves.We need to become more aware of our own biases and work on making everyone feel accepted, no matter what race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.


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