

Beautiful seascape.

A New Day: Reasons Why Every Day Is A Gift!

The sunrise is a sign of a new day  The sunrise brings more than just the promise of a new day. It brings a sense of awe, wonder, and infinite possibilities. Watching the sun slowly rise in the sky is an experience that brings a feeling of optimism and hope. The sunrise is a reminder to make the best of the day and to work hard. It is an opportunity to start anew and to start fresh. Take the good...

Landlock states

Believe: The Song That Lifted My Spirits!

  As a music enthusiast, I have always believed in the power of music to inspire, uplift, and heal. There have been times when I have turned to music to find solace in difficult times.  One such instance that stands out is when I first heard the song “When You Believe” by Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston.  This song lifted my spirits and gave me hope when I needed it the most.  Miracles and Belief The concept of miracles has...

Pro-Choice: A Woman’s Right To Choose!

Why I’m Pro-ChOICE… The abortion debate has been at the forefront of American politics for decades. The main arguments made by both sides of the debate are about whether or not a woman has a right to choose what to do with her own body; and if abortion is murder. I am pro-choice because I believe that a woman has the right to choose what to do with her own body. The decision to have an abortion is personal and should be...

Donald Trump: A Criminal Or Just An Idiot?

There is no question that Donald Trump is a controversial figure. He has been accused of many things, from sexual assault to racism.  But is he a criminal or just an idiot? Some have accused Donald Trump of criminal activity but have not been convicted of any crimes. Whether Donald Trump is a criminal is a matter of intense public debate. Some believe he has committed various crimes, while others maintain his innocence. The truth is likely somewhere in the...

Water fountain

The Juxtaposition of Water Fountain in America!

The civil rights movement of the 1960s was when African Americans fought for equality and fairness. One way they did this was through protests, sit-ins, and marches.  And while these are all important aspects of the civil rights movement, there is one that is often overlooked: water fountains. Water fountains have long been a symbol of the civil rights movement and the fight against discrimination and racism. In the 1960s, water fountains were often segregated, with “Whites Only” and “Blacks...