One Day When Glory Comes: A Story of Inner Peace! : JusMee Talkin

2022-05-19 | 00:00h
2022-06-12 | 21:59h
Morning Glory Pool

One Day when Glory comes… Almost no one would know the happiest moment in their lifeAMP if you asked them. There are times when even those who can recall a specific moment hesitate or stutter. 

Retrospectively, some may mention their wedding, while others may recall a memorable holiday or birthday. 

Despite these being happy moments in life, they wouldn’t be the happiest moments in their lives. 

Since happiness is not just a matter of having fun but also being content with who you are and learning to accept yourself.

In addition, you can find it in the smallest of things, like a day trip to the park or watching your favorite TV show after a stressful day at work. 

When peace knocks on our door, we should open our hearts to receive its generous gifts.

Glory in a nutshell…

Being at peace with oneself is the key to finding true peace and happiness.

 In the scheme of things, many peopleAMP don’t even get to experience the Glory once in their lives. When you are completely relaxed – and at ease – you can experience Glory. 

A state of ease is when your mind is clear, and your thoughts have stopped dwelling on problems… to focusing on the positive energy that can nourish your mind, body, and soul.

Relaxation allows you to be fully present in the moment, and everything else fades away. 

There will come a day when Glory reigns

The Glory comes unexpectedly when we least expect it, just like a thief in the night… suddenly, we’re in a state of bliss.

Meanwhile, you are not dwelling on what happened or worrying about what will happen. Your whole focus is on the present moment.

The worry and concerns of the day dissolve into thin air, and now you can rest.

What is Glory?

Glory is the feelingAMP of inner peace that we all strive for. It comes when we finally accept that we are human and are destined to make mistakesAMP.

 Further, it comes when we are content with who we are and stops trying to be perfect. 

Many of us feel pressure to be perfect, have the perfect body, a perfect weight, the perfect job, and have the perfect friends.

The pursuit of perfection harms us. With it, we keep ourselves from experiencing the Glory and cannot be at ease. Happiness will come when we stop seeking perfection and become content with who we are.

When does the Glory come?

We attain our Glory when we no longer fight our identity but rather fight for ourselves. 

It comes when we’re no longer craving something we don’t have… when we’re grateful for what we do have.

 Our best self comes when we stop striving to be better than others and instead strive to be better than yesterday.

We find victory when we fight against our self-doubt and self-criticism, against our negative thoughtsAMP and the false belief that we are not good enough.

The feeling comes when we fight toxic thoughts in our heads …when we hear voicesAMP telling us we’re not good enough and make us think we’ll never be happy.

Glory makes one forget about everything and everyone.

We no longer pay attention to what other people think of us or how they judge us once the Glory comes.

 The feeling of bliss makes us completely euphoric. It’s as if we’ve left this world behind. Everything is perfect in our little world. 

The moment the Glory comes, you don’t see or hear anything because you’re completely absorbed in the moment. With all your worries gone, you are thankful to be alive.


Glory is the feeling of complete bliss and contentment. There’s nothing better than letting go of all your problems and worries and attaining total inner peace. 

A feeling of being so happy that you become oblivious to everything else despite your worries and troubles. 

And then it is the feeling of not trying to be better than anyone else or better than yesterday’s self, but instead, being grateful for who you are. 

Finally, it is a feeling of not caring what other people think or how they judge you because you are so content with yourself.

Thanks for reading, and please share!


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Essie Beaman

Well, I entered this world in 1955, I've journeyed through it, I've experienced loads of discomfort, taken a few tumbles, even had a butt-breaking incident, and encountered a TBI. In addition, I struggle with feelings of depression and anxiety. But hey, at least I can laugh about it all!

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