Authentically Speaking…Who Am I?

July 19, 2022

Authentically speaking

Authentically speaking

Authentically speaking…who am I? How often do we ask this question ourselves? If you’re reading this article right now, it means that somewhere in your heart, you want to know the answer. 

Who am I is a fundamental question that we must explore on a personal level? We all have those moments when we ask about who we are or what our purpose in life is?

So many people live with a hidden identity, afraid to come out of the shadows for fear of being judged by others or even losing friends or family members. 

But why should anyone judge us for who we are and how we identify? We all have different facets to our personalities, but that doesn’t make us less than individuals.

 More importantly, it makes us more interesting as people because everyone has unique qualities and attributes

Take someone like Prince, for example; he was known as one of the greatest musicians of his time due to his ability to articulate his singing voice in such an amazing way that left everyone speechless! 

So…who do you think helped him hone those talents? It certainly wasn’t anyone judging him for who he was and how he identified as a musician at the time! 

Those negative individuals will always be waiting to knock you off balance, but they don’t define you—who you are do not matter! 

Authentically speaking

Who Are You? Knowing And Understanding The Real You!

The first step towards understanding who you are is knowing your authentic selfThe authentic self is the real you. 

It is who you are without any pretense or any deception. 

Also, its’ what you show to the world without any defense mechanisms or protective shields. 

 The way to understand your authentic self is, to be honest with yourself. You must know what you feel inside, even if you fear the consequences of being honest.

In like manner, you have to go beyond the superficial level at which most people operate; by looking beneath the surface and exploring the hidden parts of your personality that you don’t let the world see. 

And you have to go beyond…

  1. What your rational mind tells you. 
  2. You have to go beyond the limits of your intellectual knowledge.
  3. And beyond what you think you know about yourself.

Being Authentic Is The Only Way To Live!Authentically speaking

In the end, living authentically really isn’t that hard. Whats’ equally important is letting go of the need to 

  1. impress others; 
  2. not being afraid of vulnerability, 
  3. embracing your inner child,
  4.  be honest about who you are, 
  5. and follow your heart.

 Of course, there will be times when you make mistakes, but that’s part of the human experience. Mistakes are how we learn and grow.

 So let go of the need to impress others and just be yourself. (Authentic self) It’s about exploring your true motivations, desires, and needs. 

By the same token, let go of the need to be perfect and make mistakes…learn from them.

5 Steps To Discovering Your Authentic Self!

The first step to discovering our false self; is the part of you trying to please others by fitting into their expectations; or trying to fit into a certain group or social identity. 

Once you become aware of the

 you can move away from it and towards your authentic self. 

The second step is to become aware of the true self…is your authentic self. It is who you are without any artifice and to the world without any pretense. 

The third step is to start to express your true self more. Showing the world your authentic self. You do this by becoming more authentic in your speech and actions

You become more real and less fake. You let others see the real you. 

The fourth step is to stop comparing yourself to others. Another way to create a false self is to fit into a certain group or social identity

The fifth step is to let go of your ego. The ego is your false self. You have to let it go and become less self-centered. 


At the end of the day, who you are doesn’t matter as much as who you want to become.

 Those negative individuals will always be waiting to knock you off balance, but remember that they don’t define you—who you are does not matter! 

So come on, if you have been hiding behind a facade for fear of being judged, it’s time to come out of the shadows and into the light where everyone can see the real you!

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Thanks for Reading!

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