

Beautiful seascape.

A New Day: Reasons Why Every Day Is A Gift!

The sunrise is a sign of a new day  The sunrise brings more than just the promise of a new day. It brings a sense of awe, wonder, and infinite possibilities. Watching the sun slowly rise in the sky is an experience that brings a feeling of optimism and hope. The sunrise is a reminder to make the best of the day and to work hard. It is an opportunity to start anew and to start fresh. Take the good...

A woman adjusting a rear view mirror while driving car

Lifes’ Lessons: 👁Looking Thru The Rear-view Mirror!

  Lifes’ Lessons; As I sit here, looking through my rearview mirror, I can’t help but think about all the lessons life has taught me.  Whereas some were learned the easy way, while others were learned the hard way, no matter how they were acquired, each lesson has played an important role in shaping who I am.  Now– I’m not going to lie; there have been times when I wished I could go back in time. Mostly to fix careless...