

Shhhh… Listen! What Does The World Need Now??

  What does the world need now? According to the classic song by The Isley Brothers, the answer is love. But I think we could all use a little peace and harmony too. Maybe what the world really needs now is respect. Respect for each other, our planet, and respect for all of life. What do you think? Can we make that happen? Let’s work together to create a more peaceful and harmonious world! 🙂 But do you think the...

US Military Nurse and Soldier in Hitler Army

Military Nurse–In searching for real-life stories to write about, I came across this real and profoundly moving story of forbidden love during World War II and the shocking, hidden history of race on the home front. “Elinor Powell was an African American nurse in the U.S. military during World War II; Frederick Albert was a soldier in Hitler’s Army, captured by the Allies, and shipped to a prisoner-of-war camp “in Arizona. 1 What’s  more, with a large number of American...