The Future! We live in a world where we can’t predict how our lives will change five years from now, let alone fifty or one hundred!
Right now, in this very instant – it feels brand new! The unknown and unknowable perspectives of the future.
That said ..recent history with all its modernities …there are still bits and pieces worth holding onto tightly and worth fighting for – even if there are by no means guarantees or certainties!
But, what will the next life-changing decade have in store for us? Will there always be sensational opportunities waiting just around every corner? Or could be teetering on the brink of adversity, or not!
The future…Make the Most of the Time You Have!
Live and breathe what you love!
Don’t be afraid to try new things!
Help Others
Be Grateful for what you have
We can make the future better by being grateful for all that’s before us- from what’s visible or tangible like money & material goods;
Things that may not seem important at first glances, such as relationships with people around you or family members.
Being thankful creates an impactful awareness within ourselves about how lucky we are.
The future is full of change, possibilities, and uncertainty. But, there are things we can do to make it better; by making the most of the time we have now, trying new things, and helping others.
We can also be grateful for what we have and make the most of what we have. The future is full of change, but these tips can be made better.