Life Style


Cultivating Self-Love and Acceptance: Loving Yourself

Cultivating self-love and acceptance is a process. It’s not something that can happen overnight, but it’s worth it in the end.  The first step is to start practicing self-love and acceptance every day. This may sound like a simple task, but it’s much more challenging than you might think.  When we feel bad about ourselves, we’re usually quick to find external factors to blame for our feelings.  The next time you find yourself feeling wrong about an aspect of who...


The 3 Stages of Ignorance …How We Can Combat It?

Ignorance is the lack of knowledge. It’s an absence of information or awareness that can lead to misunderstandings or faulty judgments. The more we know about something, the less ignorant we are about it. The word ignorance has a negative connotation because it doesn’t mean lack of education (a person could be knowledgeable and still not know something). Ignorance is often used in a pejorative sense to signify disapproval of someone’s beliefs, attitudes, or actions that do not align with...

5 Essential Ingredients Everybody Needs2

5 Essential Ingredients everybody needs to 1. KNOW YOUR LIFE’S PURPOSE & MISSION Knowing your life’s purpose—“what are you here to do”? What is it that drives you? The one thing that helps set the foundation for everything you do on a daily basis? What is your motivating aims in your life—the reason you get up in the morning? For some people, purpose is related to —meaningful and satisfying work; for others, their purpose lies in their dedication to family...

What Is The Most Powerful Things U Can Do2?

“One of the most powerful things we can do for our wellbeing is to take positive actions.  This means that if you’re feeling down, just deciding to go for a walk and get some fresh air can lead to a better mood.” “We all have tough times in life where we need support from others, but it’s important not to forget about ourselves and focus on what we can control.  Positive action is something only you can do for yourself.” ...

Right-Mindedness Copious Amounts2!

Right-Mindedness—-Do you know the old saying “honesty is the best policy”? Well, it’s true. It’s so important that we should never lie about anything ever again. So here are some things you definitely shouldn’t lie about: 1. Your age – Nothing good comes from lying about your age, and why would anyone want to do that, anyway?  It just makes people suspicious of you, and then they’re going to think they’re in their 30s when they look like a 23-year-old...