

Closed Doors Of the Past

In the words of Helen, Keller…when doors close in our face, another opens. However, most often, we never see that open door, because our focus is solely on that door that was closed. As a result, we lose out on new opportunities because we are so attached to things of the past, something we are familiar with. So much so, neWhen one door closes, another opens.Read Although, doors may close, there are always other, the unlimited number of entries –...

US Military Nurse and Soldier in Hitler Army

Military Nurse–In searching for real-life stories to write about, I came across this real and profoundly moving story of forbidden love during World War II and the shocking, hidden history of race on the home front. “Elinor Powell was an African American nurse in the U.S. military during World War II; Frederick Albert was a soldier in Hitler’s Army, captured by the Allies, and shipped to a prisoner-of-war camp “in Arizona. 1 What’s  more, with a large number of American...

There Is No Doubt About It..What Now?

  There is no doubt about it–the death of George Floyd, has prompted protests across the country and in other countries.  It is disturbing to think about how many people of color have lost their lives due to police brutality and misconduct. Unfortunately, racism and brutality within the criminal justice system extend far beyond going back decades. Despite our self-identification as a country, African American is harshly incarcerated — disproportionately and receives stiffer sentences. Racism is still relevant today and...

A Shooting in Akron, Ohio

Nakia Crawford, an 18-year-old who was a recent high school grad, running errands with her grandmother, was shot in Akron, Ohio, while she was stopped at a red light. She was shot multiple times inside of the car. Unfortunately, she died later at the hospital. Meanwhile, the suspect in the shooting has yet to be identified. Still, police are following reports that he was a white male driving a black Mustang with tinted windows. Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan said in...

The Most dangerous Person in the Racism Industry

  Racism–In the United States, there traditionally and systemically disadvantages amongst racial groups—across the country. These social organizations and political forces have created ingrained issues that persist these days. For the most part, In the last three years under the Trump administration, we have witnessed an increase in racism. Consequently,  amid large nationwide protests over systemic racism and police brutality in the wake of George Floyd’s death, there has been a renewed effort to remove Confederate monuments and rename government...