The Invisible Wounds We All Carry!

July 7, 2022

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The Invisible Wounds We All Carry!

The Invisible Wounds of Daily Life… do you know…we all carry them around with us daily. Some are self-inflicted, some result from other people’s actions, and some come from an acrimoniously hateful world.

 In any event, these wounds can be physical (like an injury to a part of your body), emotional or mental; They can be easy to see or invisible to the naked eye.

But no matter what kind, these injuries will never disappear unless you treat them!

Because the internal battle we wage against ourselves is real and will ruin the chance for happiness, it affects how much trust others can earn from you and freedom to love- so many daily struggles!

Regardless of the fight, they all leave their mark on you, whether good or bad…it isn’t always clear, but one thing is for sure, …you will never know until after the fact what could’ve been.

In this blog post, I’ll delve into the concept of invisible wounds and how they can impact our lives.

1. The Pressure Of Perfection!

Also…being happy is uncommon for many who struggle daily against their private internal Battle in Hell, where you battle the demons alone…

First and foremost, no one is perfect. Some forget this simple fact: we all have unique flaws and imperfections.

Nevertheless… today’s society seems to like the pressure to be perfect is stronger than ever. Why?

The media constantly bombards us with images of perfectly crafted lives. Some people seem to have it all together – the perfect job, partner, body, and life.

The bottom line is that we all want to feel like we’re living in the perfect world, but it isn’t reality. Life is full of struggles, and there’s always something that can be improved- even if you think your life has nothing left for improvement!

2. The Fear Of Failure!

The fear of failure is very real and very common. It prevents us from achieving our goals and pursuing our dreams.

The good news is if you control your fear, it won’t be able to control you. You can take measures to deal with a fear of failure: For example…

  • First, you can figure out where it comes from.
  • What are you afraid of?
  • Is it the actual act of failing,
  • or is it the consequences of failure?

Once you know where your fear is coming from, you can start to work on addressing it.

The most important thing to do is change your thinking about failure; it is not the end of the world but an opportunity to learn and grow.

 Meanwhile, embrace your mistakes and use them as a chance to become better. Finally, remember that everyone experiences fear of failure at some point.

3. The Misery Of Regret!

On the whole, regret is a funny thing. It can come at you when you least expect it, hitting you like a ton of bricks.

Additionally, regret is often defined as sadness or remorse over something that occurred in our past, Such as something we said, did, or didn’t say or do.

Whatever the case may be, regret can be a very painful emotion. However, regret is lessons learned from mistakes. How?

If we take the lessons learned from our mistakes and use them to make better future choices, we can turn our regret into something positive.

So the next time you’re feeling the pain of regret, take a moment to reflect on what you’ve done.

4. The Burden Of Doubt!

Doubt can be a powerful thing. It can make you question everything you think you know and drive you to second-guess your every decision. It can also be a huge pain in the ass.

Sure, a little doubt can be healthy. It can keep you from making impulsive decisionsand help you make more informed choices. But when doubt gets out of hand, it can be a real nightmare.

So what do you do when doubt starts to take over? First, you must accept that doubt is a part of life and that everyone deals with it from time to time. Second, you need to find ways to deal with your doubt healthily. And last, you need to know when to let go of your doubt and go with your gut.

5. The Scars Of The Past!

We all have them. Scars, that is. Some are physical; some are emotional. And some are both. They remind us of the times we’ve been hurt, literally and figuratively.

 They’re a constant reminder of the past, of the things we’ve been through. And sometimes, they can be a pain (literally and figuratively).

But despite all that, scars can also be pretty cool. They’re a badge of honor, a sign that we’ve made it through tough shit…

They remind us that we’re strong and can handle anything life throws our way. So next time you feel down about your scars, remember that they’re proof of your strength and resilience.

6. The Constant Presence Of “What If”!

What if I told you that there’s a little voice inside your head that’s always asking, “what if?” What if I told you that this voice is what prevents you from taking risks and living your life to the fullest?

The possibilities are endless, but so are the what-ifs. So next time you wonder what could have been, remember that it’s all in your dam head.

7. The aching of “I’m not good enough“!

It’s the feeling you get when you’re stuck in a job you hate, struggling to pay rent, and wondering if you’ll ever make it out of this rut. It’s the aching of “I’m not good enough.”

This feeling is all too common, but it doesn’t have to define you. You can rise above it and find success, even if you’ve been told your whole life that you’re not good enough. Here’s how:

  • First, accept that you’re not perfect. Everyone has flaws, and that’s what makes us unique and interesting.
  • Second, don’t compare yourself to others.
  • You are on your journey and will reach your destination in your own time.
  • Third, don’t be afraid to take risks. Step out of your comfort zone and pursue your dreams. And finally, never give

8. The weight of the world (again)!

Every day, it feels like the world gets a little heavier. And not just because of the stresses of daily life. No, the world is getting heavier.

Of course, the weight of the world is nothing to worry about. But it is interesting to think about how our actions are often dictated by what we believe to be true, even if it’s not true.


The invisible wounds we all carry can be debilitating. They can prevent us from achieving our full potential and living our best lives.

 But by becoming more aware of these wounds and talking about them, you can start to heal them.

Finally, please like, follow, and comment if you found this article helpful.

Thanks for Reading!

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