Life Style



Failed Inspiration…What 2 Do?

Failed inspiration…It’s been a while since I’ve written anything on here. I’m not sure what my reason is for the lack of posts, but I know Life has been busy. Meantime, inspiration was hard to come by.  But recently, I was reminded that inspiration can be found in the little things. It might be a kind word from a stranger or a sunset over the water.  Maybe it’s something as simple as your favorite song coming on the radio.  Failed...

Self-Discovery through Who Am I?

Self discovery…I’m writing this post for those trying to discover who they are.   It is meant to help you understand what you want out of life and pursue it. Before we begin, I want to make two things clear:  there is no one path that everyone should take  and everyone has different needs.  I intend to talk in bold, general terms to help you in your journey of self-discovery.  It requires vulnerability to admit something wrong with how you’ve...

7 Ways to Fight Hate – It Starts With You!

The word hate has been used far too often in recent years. It emerged from undercover when the 2016 presidential campaign started and mass shootings in Europe occurred.  Hearing hate speech can overwhelm you and make you want to avert your eyes.  However, if you know what causes hate – and how to help fight it – you can take control of your life. Here are some ways to help fight hate – it starts with you. The Problem with...

Regret A Guide to Avoid: A Few Tips!

Living life once is all you get, so don’t waste it doing things you’ll regret. It doesn’t matter how large or small a decision may be; it has a lasting impact on your life.  Therefore, avoiding regret is one of the best ways to do that.  The last thing you want is to look back and wish you had taken advantage of everything you could have when you’ve finished living.  Here’s what you should never do to avoid regretting your...