Life Style


Why is it so hard

Why Is It So Hard to Admit You’re Wrong?

Image Source: Unsplash ‍Why is it so hard to admit you’re wrong? Of course, admitting a mistake feels like an admission of defeat, but this isn’t always true.  As a matter of fact, there are many implications and consequences that come with mistakes – which makes admitting them difficult for some people that want the easy way out;  Or don’t have enough faith in themselves ́to be able to do something independently without help from others’ expectations (or lack thereof).  It...

Leopard rests in a tree after meal

Just be yourself: the benefits of being you!

In a world where everyone is trying to be someone else, it can be hard to remember that the best thing you can do is just be yourself. But there are a lot of benefits to being yourself! Here are just a few of them. You’ll Spend Less Time Worrying About What Other People Think! You’ll spend less time worrying about what other people think of you. This is great news because you’ll have more time to focus on important...

Why is it so hard

The Wondrous You Running Away!

‍ The wondrous you… don’t want to deal with your problems, so you run away from them instead. While you get a lot of validation from your friends for doing so, it doesn’t make things any easier.  In fact, it just makes things harder in the long run. In most cases, you often feel like running away whenever you are confronted with a problem…but why?  Are you afraid of how it might change your life or what others might think...

A Broken World… Full Of Addlebrained People!

In a broken world…many things can be considered broken today: our environment, our political climate, our social norms, and yes, even our sense of humanity.  Amid this chaos, some inspiring people choose to rise against all odds and make the world a better place.  These awesome people are ordinary individuals who have decided to do something extraordinary by making a difference wherever they go.  Such as… Gregory Smith. Born in 1990, could read at age two, and had enrolled in...

Waiting To Exhale: My Journey To Breathing!

In the movie Waiting to Exhale, four women find friends, love, and support as they search for happiness in their lives.  I found all those things in my life when I discovered the power of my breath and the strength of my voice.  This journey hasn’t been easy at times. It’s been filled with many twists and turns, ups and downs, lefts and rights.  It’s taken me to places within myself that weren’t always comfortable or even safe.  But it...