Shhhh… Listen! What Does The World Need Now??

April 21, 2022


What does the world need now? According to the classic song by The Isley Brothers, the answer is love.

But I think we could all use a little peace and harmony too. Maybe what the world really needs now is respect.

Respect for each other, our planet, and respect for all of life. What do you think? Can we make that happen? Let’s work together to create a more peaceful and harmonious world! 🙂

But do you think the world needs more of these things? I’m not so sure. We need something a little different. Something a little edgier. Something a little more… controversial. 

What the world needs now is violence! Yup, that’s right, violence! Think about it for a second. If everyone got into a big ol’ fistfight every day, how much more peaceful would the world be? 

We wouldn’t have to worry about getting along because we’d all be too damn tired from fighting! OK, maybe this isn’t a good idea!

There is too much violence already in the world!

From another point of view, some people feel what the world needs now is more peace, love, and harmony. We can all agree on that. But what happens after that? 

What do we need next? More respect for one another? Cooperation? Kindness? A sense of community? I think we can all agree on those things too. 

So let’s stop with the introspection and get to work making the world a better place! Let’s show the world what it means to be a community where respect and kindness thrive!

 Let’s make some noise and let the world know that we are sick and tired of all of the bullshit going down around us. 

Wait for a second and listen up. I think I have something new to add to the mix: Shhhh, SHUSHING! 

If we can all learn to silence each other, the world will instantly become more peaceful. 

Just try it out and see for yourself; next time someone is speaking loudly in public or carrying on a fight with their partner, give them the Shusher and watch them transform into a well-behaved member of society. 

Who knew peace could be so simple? Try it out today, and let me know how you go! I know, I know. Peace, love, harmony, and respect aren’t working; they never have and possibly never will.

So…what does the world REALLY need right now is ____________?

Yes, you heard me. It’s up to us to fill in the blank! So what do you think the world needs now? Some to read

Let’s get creative and see if we can come up with something good! 


The world needs more of _____. What do you think? Let’s get creative and see if we can come up with something good! I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below – let’s chat!

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