


The Tragic Reality: America’s Ban On Black History!

It is nothing new that America–a country founded on the principles of equality and justice–has a history of banning books.  In fact, a quick Google search will reveal that this practice is alive and well in the 21st century.  More often than not, banned books deal with difficult topics such as race, gender, and sexuality. One would think there would be no need to ban books in a country where library shelves are lined with books on these topics. However,...

You are enough. Scrabble. Scrabbles. Scrabble letters. Scrabble words. Scrabble tiles.

The Invisible Wounds We All Carry!

The Invisible Wounds We All Carry! The Invisible Wounds of Daily Life… do you know…we all carry them around with us daily. Some are self-inflicted, some result from other people’s actions, and some come from an acrimoniously hateful world.  In any event, these wounds can be physical (like an injury to a part of your body), emotional or mental; They can be easy to see or invisible to the naked eye.  But no matter what kind, these injuries will never disappear unless...

A woman adjusting a rear view mirror while driving car

Lifes’ Lessons: 👁Looking Thru The Rear-view Mirror!

  Lifes’ Lessons; As I sit here, looking through my rearview mirror, I can’t help but think about all the lessons life has taught me.  Whereas some were learned the easy way, while others were learned the hard way, no matter how they were acquired, each lesson has played an important role in shaping who I am.  Now– I’m not going to lie; there have been times when I wished I could go back in time. Mostly to fix careless...

A HAUNTING Voice From the Past…Fountain Hughes

  Hey Folks! This blog post is for you. I hope you’re having a great day and are ready to learn something about and listen to the voices of African American men who worked to build this country up and have never been shown any appreciation.  Throughout history, thousands of men and women desire to be talked about and shown some acknowledgment. People like Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Barack Obama have been written about and talked about...

Closed Doors Of the Past

In the words of Helen, Keller…when doors close in our face, another opens. However, most often, we never see that open door, because our focus is solely on that door that was closed. As a result, we lose out on new opportunities because we are so attached to things of the past, something we are familiar with. So much so, neWhen one door closes, another opens.Read Although, doors may close, there are always other, the unlimited number of entries –...