Being Black in America…The Struggles!

Civil rightsBeing black in America…America is a country of diverse people. Many people come from different cultures and ethnicities, but how does this affect the day-to-day lives of black Americans?

  • The answer is complicated.
  •  Many issues affect being black in America.
  • A big one is a racism

Racism has been present in our society since its inception; it started with slavery and has continued to be an issue today. 

The effects of racial profiling and discrimination can take a toll on your mental health and well-being. 

One way you can fight against racism and continue to live your life without being discouraged by it is by being proud of who you are! Here are some ways to do just that!

What is racism?being black in america

Racism is defined as the belief that one race, usually the white race, is superior to others. The first use of “racism” can be traced back to 1902 in novelist Jack London. 

Racists believe that their race is better than another, so they discriminate against and prejudice people who are not part of their race.

Being Black in America…The effects of racial profiling!

Racial profiling is a constant issue of being black in American. Many have to experience the humiliation of being racially profiled and then told they can’t do something or go somewhere simply because of the color of their skin. 

It’s even worse when it happens often and at the hands of people, you know, like police officers in your neighborhood. 

Racial profiling can take a toll on your mental health and well-being, but there are ways to fight back against it!

The effects of discrimination!

and Being Black in America…

Civil rights movement
Dr. Martin Luther King March

Racism can harm your mental health and well-being, as it influences how you live your life

If you’ve ever experienced discrimination or racism, you’re not alone. 

Many black Americans have been affected by these issues. One way you can fight against racism and continue living your life without being discouraged is to…

  • Be proud of who you are!· being black in america
  • Fight for equality. 

You may experience discrimination or even harassment from others who don’t understand where you come from 

Or how to treat people different from them. To combat this:

  • Stand up for yourself and demand equality for everyone involved in the situation. 
  • This way, everybody feels respected and valued no matter their race or background.
  • · Take care of your mental health! 

As previously stated, racism can seriously negatively affect your mental health. 

  • One way to combat this is to do things that make you happy 
  • take care of yourself mentally and physically! 

To help diminish racism in America, we need people to understand why certain things are racist.

Mental health and well-being!Mental health

Racism is prevalent in America. It has been an issue since the beginning of our country, and it still is today. The effects of racism can take a toll on your mental health and well-being. One way to fight back against racism and continue living your life despite the stereotypes is by being proud of who you are!

Racism and being Black in America!

There are many parts of the black community that face racism and discrimination. It can be seen in the workplace, neighborhoods, schools, and more. 

Be proud of who you are! 

Being black in America means being proud of who you are no matter where you come from or what color skin you have. 

It means refusing to let other people’s opinions shape your identity and what that means for the rest of your life.

Education and knowledge about race and culture!

The first step to fighting back against racism is educating yourself about the differences in race and culture. 

Education and knowledge can help you understand how people experience the world differently. 

 One way to do this is by seeking out people’s opinions from different racial backgrounds. 

Talk to your friends and family members from other ethnicities and ask them what it’s like living as a minority group in America.

Speak up for yourself! 

It’s important to be vocal. One way you can fight back against racism is by being vocal in the face of it. 

If someone says something racist, speak up and say you don’t appreciate their comment or behavior.

People will inevitably make ignorant comments, but you are making a statement when you respond and stand up for yourself.

 You’re telling that person that their ignorance isn’t acceptable, and it’s not okay for them to make those types of comments towards people who look like you.


  • Racism is real and affects every area of your life
  • You deserve to feel safe and respected and be given an equal opportunity to succeed. 
  • The only way to make change happen is to speak up for yourself and others. 
  • Don’t let fear stop you from fighting for what’s right.
  • Challenge the stereotypes you see on TV, in movies, and in everyday life
  • Spread the word about the hard work and accomplishments of people of color. 
  • Remember that you have the power to make the change. 
  • You deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. 
  • The struggle is real, but so is the strength you possess when you stand up for yourself and others.

Being Black in America-Something to plunder…

“I live in a castle, Tony! Alone. And rich white people pay me to play piano for them because it makes them feel cultured. 

But as soon as I step off that stage, I go right back to being just another nigger to them. 

Because that is their true culture, and I suffer that slight alone because my own people do not accept me cause I’m not like them, either.”

MAHERSHALA ALI – Dr. Donald Shirley

Thanks for Reading!
