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Chronic Stress Effects: My Personal Story!

Chronic stress is a common response to the demands of modern life. Guess what? I learned the hard way what being overly stressed out is and what it can do to your life! On the positive side…it manifests as stress symptoms such as:  nervousness,  irritability,  muscle tension,  And so on — it revs up every part of the body and mind to keep you alive and alert. In the same way, the negative effects of chronic stress build slowly over...

You are enough. Scrabble. Scrabbles. Scrabble letters. Scrabble words. Scrabble tiles.

You Are Good Enough: Master the Art of Being True To You!

You are good enough…with so much negativity and hateful rhetoric in the world today, it’s easy to feel like you don’t measure up.  Let me ask you a question, have you ever felt like you just weren’t good enough?  In any case,  you don’t need to feel like you’re not good enough because, in reality, you are better than most; hell, you don’t realize it and… To clarify, almost everyone experiences it at some point in life. Self-doubt is a natural part of being human...

Embrace aging

Embrace Aging: Why You Should Embrace It!

Embrace aging…we all want to live as long and healthy as possible, but why?  The reality is that aging doesn’t come with any guarantees.  In any case, it’s not something bad or wrong; it just happens – which can make this process feel like one big lottery game…where you’re trying your best and still have no control over what will happen next! In order words: don’t let society dictate how old YOU think yourself should be because there are plenty more important...

Tender portrait of mid adult woman and toddler daughter

Filicide: The Murder of a Child by a Parent!

  Filicide – is a horrifying crime that, sadly, happens more often than we’d like to think; a crime that often shocks and horrifies the public when a parent kills their child. In fact, there is no greater tragedy or act of unimaginable desperation and despair.   Furthermore, in the United States, filicide – the murder of a child by a parent – occurs an average of 500 times per year. And while the motivations for such a heinous act are...

Be a nice human message board. letters. communication, kindness

The Power Of Random Acts Of Kindness!👍

Random acts of kindness are often seen as trite or cliche, but new research shows that they can profoundly impact our happiness and wellbeing. A recent study published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science found that people who performed random acts of kindness were significantly happier than those who didn’t. So why are random acts of kindness so powerful? One explanation is that they help us to feel connected to others. When we perform a kind act, we...