The Vanity of Mind and the Blindness of Heart!

vanity of mind
two multiethnic beautiful young woman black and caucasian having fun taking selfie

The human mind can think and reason, which is why it remains one of the most powerful tools we have as human beings.

It allows us to understand other people, analyze situations, and make informed decisions.

Our minds are a source of strength and courage when dealing with problems because it helps us find solutions.

It’s also our hearts that give meaning to our existence as humans.

The human heart is where our emotions reside. It’s where love is found, fear lurks, and joy springs from. A good heart is kind and compassionate, while a bad one can be evil.

To keep your mind from becoming vain and your heart from growing blind, here are some insights into the vanity of mind and blindness of heart that you might find useful in your journey towards self-discovery.

The Vanity of Mind

The vanity of the mind is the tendency of the mind to be self-centered or focused on the self instead of others.

It’s not uncommon for human beings to be a little vain, but when that vanity grows to an unhealthy extent, it becomes a problem.

There are different types of vanity, and each manifests differently:

Narcissism – This form of vanity is often characterized as excessive admiration of one’s own physical or intellectual appearance or a strong desire to be recognized and admired.

Dandies – A dandy is a man who dresses to stand out and be noticed, often flamboyantly.

Dandies may be vain because they are more concerned with impressing other people with their appearance than with the quality of their clothing.

Hubris – This is often referred to as “pride before a fall” and is a form of arrogance and haughtiness that grows out of extreme self-confidence, especially in one’s ability to do something.

When hubris goes unchecked, it can lead to self-delusion, denial, and extreme narcissism.

The Blindness of Heart

vanity of mind
Dollars and heart

The blindness of the heart is the inability to feel others’ emotions or the inability to be compassionate towards others.

It may stem from a traumatic childhood or a lack of exposure to the world and its diversity. Being heartless may make it easier to function in today’s society.

The constant bombardment of negative news and feelings makes it hard to be positive. It’s important not to fall into the blindness of the heart because when you close your heart, you become a lesser (or worst) version of yourself.

Bad things can happen if you don’t learn to feel. You may hurt people without knowing it, and you might miss out on great opportunities in life.

Seeing What Is Not!

vanity of mind
Blind reading on Braille at outdoor directory

Vanity is a chronic disease that affects the mind.

It’s when people project their thoughts and feelings onto someone else, not realizing what they see in front of them isn’t there – this can happen even though you spend time with somebody who only sees your reflection through eyes identical to yours!

Vanity grows its roots deep into our souls, so it becomes hard for anyone trying to fight against their desires sometimes…

The first step towards overcoming prideful traits like these would be taking stock: identifying exactly where such habits come From (specifical self-love) And then remembering

Hearing What is Not Said!

The way you observe your environment is through perception. 

The things that are said aloud and those which remain silent carry different weights with them; 

Some will be seen as polite, while others may seem rude or uninterestingly vague – but in reality, no one knows what the other person feels until they speak up!

 This can lead many people down a wrong path where their vain thoughts come first before anything else…but it’s easy enough to fix if we stop long enough (and listen!)

Feeling What is Not Real!

The feeling that you can’t live without is when a person’s emotions are so focused on one specific thing they start craving it and feel like there would be no life whatsoever without this certain group or reading genre.

This may happen if your friends provide endless positive vibes from their everyday experiences to fuel the flames inside us all too soon!

Constantly Craving Attention and Approval!

If you find yourself constantly craving attention and approval, it could signify that your vanity has taken over. 

This often shows up in teenagers who are trying to escape their “terrible two’s” stage by 

  • seeking out the praise of others or 
  • Being sensitive when they feel criticism is coming towards them, one way around this issue would take your mind away from such thoughts altogether.

Right now, the easiest thing any person could do may seem pretty simple: Stop thinking about other people judging us! 

It’s completely irrational for anyone to care what another human thinks, so why spend time dwelling on negative outcomes?


The vanity of mind and the blindness of heart go hand-in-hand. When one or both of these emotions are unchecked, it can lead to a life of self-delusion.

You may start to see what is not there, hear what is not said, feel what is not real, and crave attention and approval constantly.

When you become aware of these traits, you can easily correct them and become a better person in the process.

Thanks for Reading👀

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