The Wondrous You Running Away!

July 29, 2022

Why is it so hard

The Wondrous You

The wondrous you… don’t want to deal with your problems, so you run away from them instead. While you get a lot of validation from your friends for doing so, it doesn’t make things any easier. 

In fact, it just makes things harder in the long run. In most cases, you often feel like running away whenever you are confronted with a problem…but why?

 Are you afraid of how it might change your life or what others might think about you if they discover it? 

But in doing that, you neglect the fact that there is always a solution to every problem, and running away never solves anything.

Meanwhile, running away seems like a quick fix, but you can’t run away from the problems forever. 

Anywho…Why Do You Run Away From Your Problems Anyway?

Running away is easy for most people, but in the end, you realize that they can’t run away from the problems forever. Why?

Instead of accepting them and trying to fix them, you choose to ignore them and hope that they go away. 

Last but not least, you run away from your problems when you get your ass in a sling…to avoid facing the challenging aspects of life.

 That is to say. You want your life to be a bed of roses that is always nice and easy. You run for the hills when a challenge pops up and hope it goes away.

You might be able to fool yourself for a little while by pretending that everything is okay, but the problems will not go away on their own.

 In other words, you run away to avoid taking responsibility and own up to your colossal decisions.

In any case, here is some advice from a professional…

Leaving may be more comfortable, but staying put is where real growth happens. 

Here are a few reasons to stop avoidance behavior:

  • Problems eventually catch up to you, and you’ll find yourself running into the same or similar situations.
  • It doesn’t teach you to grow or better yourself.
  • Facing problems teaches you perseverance, resilience, and strength.
  • You’ll gain a sense of pride and independence.

The wondrous you
Silhouette of a young girl running along the beach of the sea during an amazing sunset

How Running Away Makes Your Problems Worse?

The wondrous you, can’t handle your problems? Fine. Run away then! You’ll feel so much better when there is no struggle at all;

It’s as though we are programming ourselves to fail whenever things get tough because if they don’t happen in one go, how will I know what works best for me? 

You might think running away from your problems will make them disappear for good. But they will keep following you, no matter where your head is!

Be that as it may, they only come back with a vengeance when you run from your problems. What goes on around eventually comes right around to hit you where it hurts the most- in this case, literally!

The most important thing about dealing with problems is that they need to go away and how you deal with them…

The Importance Of Confronting Your problems!

To that end, you cannot run fast enough or hide for long…so confront the problems head-on.

Simply put…the moment you stop running away from your problems… is the same moment they start to diminish. 

3 Ways To Stop Running And Face Your

The wondrous you


Moreover, it takes strength and courage to end the cycle of running away and facing the problems you’re most afraid of.

Here is some advice to assist you in the process of stopping making tracks:

  • Stop being chicken-hearted: you must decide to stand up to your fears.
  • Gladly accept discomfort: many things in life are worth some discomfort. (Means take responsibility and own your self-made issues.)
  • Seek support and insight from others who have walked down the road you are walking down.

You have to take the first step towards solving your problems because they ain’t gonna solve themselves.

The wondrous you…Conclusion

By and large, there is nothing worse than running away from your problems, but there is also nothing better than confronting them head-on. 

In reality, problems are inevitable, and it is impossible to live a life without them, so you might as well learn how to confront them. 

Despite what you might think, running away doesn’t make your problems disappear but makes them worse. 

Let me clarify…confronting your fears and problems is the only way to solve them.

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