7 Mesmerizing Examples Of Bullshit

November 3, 2021

BullshitThe art and technique of Bullshit

Bullshit is a term that’s been around for centuries, and politicians love to use it. But what exactly is Bullshit? This blog post will explore the definition of Bullshit.

So you’re probably wondering: What does “bullshit” mean? Bullsh*t can refer to anything that’s nonsense or is untrue;. Mistakes are made by people who lie just because they think they know better than anyone else. 

In like manner, things are said as part of a political campaign without any actual evidence to back them up. 

Meantime, this word has nothing to do with lying at all – sometimes, we call something “bullshit” when we don’t really care about it one way or another. 

BullshitHowever, that is not the case for the event on January 6th; those insidious bumbling idiots knew they were spreading catastrophe bullshit which incited gullible buffoons to cripple an election.

What’s more,, Bullshit is also a term coined by philosopher Harry G. Frankfurt who defines Bullshit as an act or instance of talking without knowing what you’re talking about. (See below excerpts from the essay)

Additionally, The Oxford English Dictionary lists the first usage of the word (bulls hit), early 20th century: from bull ‘stupid or nonsense talk’ + shit.

 Because of this…Bullshitters are often Bullshitseen as liars or people who are trying to deceive you for their own gain – but the truth is, they might not be lying at all. 

Simply put…Bullshitters are frequently full of shit. 

That being the case…they could just be telling you something they think is true without knowing if it actually holds any water or not. 

Next time someone tries to tell you a story with little or no truth, just remember they are communicating their version of the facts. 

In technical terms, this is known as “bullshit.”

communications that result from no concern for truth, evidence and/or established semantic, logical, systemic, or empirical knowledge.”

 Bullshit is everywhere, so we must always be vigilant to spot it, call it out, and avoid getting caught up in it ourselves. There is so much of it in today’s world.

Some of today’s Bullshit is just scandalous; for example, this headline from Washington Post:

Nearly 4 in 10 who say the election was stolen from Trump say violence might be needed to save America. 

The 4 in 10 people who believe the Bullshit of a stolen election is lunatics with terrorist ideas.

Harry Frankfurt —Princeton University

Humbug: deceptive misrepresentation, short of lying, especially by pretentious word or deed, of somebody’s own thoughts, feelings, or attitudes.

And so, Dr. Frankfurt wrote an essay on the subject in 1986. (as well as in his 2005 book ) began with the claim that “one of the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit.”

Then he stated everyone knows this. Each of us contributes his share. But we tend to take the situation for granted. 

Most people are relatively confident in their ability to recognize Bullshit and avoid being taken in by it. So the phenomenon has not aroused much deliberate concern or attracted much-sustained inquiry. 

Consequently, we have no clear understanding of what Bullshit is, why there is so much of it, or what functions it serves. 

That said…you can find the entire essay here: http://www2.csudh.edu/ccauthen/576f12/frankfurt__harry_-_on_bullshit.pdf

In conclusion, we can all agree that politicians are known for their ability to spout off Bullshit, but what is it? Bullshit (noun) is something of no value or significance. 

As the term has been around for ages… I’m sure you can find many examples in your life if you think about it hard enough. 

It might not be a word we use often, but there’s plenty of bullsh*t out there! If this sounds like something you want to avoid and instead promote meaningful content on social media, follow me on Facebook @jusbmee or Instagram@seailamae.

Thanks for reading

Quotes on Bullshit

 Bullshit is the glue that binds us as a nation.” 

― George Carlin

I do. I like people, but I like them in short bursts. I don’t like people for extended periods of time. I’m all right with them for a little while, but once you get up past around… a minute, minute and a half, I gotta get the fuck out of there. And my reason for this… my reason is one that you may share, possibly. I have a very low tolerance level for stupid Bullshit.” 

― George Carlin, It’s Bad for Ya

The only way to efficiently battle evil is to copy enough to know how to counter each argument, yet not enough to believe all the Bullshit.” 

― Will Advise, Nothing is here.

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