Politicians: Idiots or Cowards?

Politicians: Idiots or Cowards?

Politicians: Idiots or Cowards? In my opinion, it’s a little bit of both. I get so frustrated with them sometimes. They make decisions that affect my life and then have the audacity to act like they don’t know what they’re doing. 

But then again, maybe they’re just cowardly. Afraid to make tough decisions because they might anger someone or lose support in the next election. 

Anyway, I’m not sure there’s a clear answer, but after watching the news and seeing what goes on in government, it’s hard to come up with any other explanation. 

Every day seems to bring some new debacle or embarrassing display, and it’s hard to believe that anyone with an ounce of common sense could be responsible for all this nonsense.

 But maybe it’s not that they’re idiots – they’re just too scared to make any decisions. Maybe they’re so worried about what their opponents say that they can’t think straight. 

Or maybe they’re afraid of having to do something useful. Whatever the reason, it doesn’t look like things will get much better soon. 

In the meantime… if you’re looking for someone to blame for the world’s problems, don’t look at the politicians – look at yourself. After all, we’re the ones who keep voting them into office.

What do you think? Are politicians idiots or cowards? Or maybe a little bit of both? Let me know in the comments!

Politicians: Idiots or Cowards? Decisions they make…

Damn…I mean, how idiotic do you have to be not to realize that cutting education funding will have a negative impact on society? 

The cuts are so deep, and education is not alone on the chopping block! 

No Backbone…

And then there are the cowards who refuse to take a stand on anything because they’re afraid of losing votes. 

It’s all nonsense. Sometimes I wish they would all disappear, and we could start fresh with a new batch of leaders who care about the people they’re supposed to represent.

Liar, Liar, Your Pants on Fire!

I’m sure you’ve all had the experience of being stuck in a room with a politician. They talk, talk, and talk but never seem to say anything of substance. 

 Instead, they spout empty platitudes and make grandiose promises they do not intend to keep. 

 It’s enough to make you want to tear your hair out. In my opinion, politicians are idiots. However, the biggest idiots are those who vote for a ###political idiot.

The Cowards to scared to do the right thing!

They’re too afraid to stand up for their beliefs, lest they offend someone. They would rather pander to special interests and play it safe than risk taking a stand on an issue. 

As a result, our government is gridlocked, and nothing ever gets done. I’m not saying that all politicians are bad people. But I am saying the system is broken and needs to be fixed. 

In conclusion…

Idiots or cowards? That’s the question I find myself asking about politicians more and more these days. 

On the one hand, they seem like idiots because they make decisions that affect my life and then act like they don’t know what they’re doing.

 Then, on the other hand, they seem like cowards because they’re too afraid to stand up to special interests and do what’s right for the country. 

Sometimes I wonder if they’re just a bunch of idiots pretending to be cowards or a bunch of cowards and then to be idiots. 

Either way, I’m getting pretty tired of their nonsense. What about you? Let me know in the comments below! Like, comment, subscribe

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