Clearwater: ridding herself of unwanted guest2!


Clearwater always loved having a shower in the morning. It was a chance to start the day fresh and get all the dirt and grime of the day before behind her. 

But one morning, she found herself face-to-face with an enigma.

And so while…

Standing in her shower, Clearwater recognized a hideous bichrome muck creature standing in front of her, begging for bread. 

Clearwater was flabbergast…


She had never seen anything like it before and didn’t know what to make of it because the creature kept repeating its request for bread.

She had tried everything to get rid of it, from setting traps to spraying it with water, but nothing had worked. 

Clearwater had been struggling with the creature for weeks, fed up, and had enough of this shit. 

Because it would show up uninvited, It would sneak into her house in the middle of the night, rummaging through her trash and making a mess. 

The battle between Clearwater and the creature…

Ultimately, Clearwater had had enough. She had even tried logic with it, but it looked at her with its beady eyes and refused to budge. 

 Then she snapped…

 Grabbed a can of paint under the sink and sprayed the creature. As a result, it ran away, screeching in anguish. 

And leaving a trail of guck behind it as it slithered away.

After that, Clearwater was relieved that the creature had taken off, but she was also agitated.

Strangely enough, getting rid of the little beast was quite challenging.

After Thoughts…

Big lizard hunting

Hence, Clearwater let out a sigh of relief and smiled as she watched the creature disappear into the shadows. 

Besides, she knew that her paint would make it easier to find any future appearances by this particular thieving deviant if it is brave enough to show up again! 

In the meantime, she decided to be more careful about leaving food out at night on the counter…

Which would allow her to have peace of mind?

Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days.

Benjamin Franklin


 The moral of this story is that sometimes in our lives, we have family and friends who come into our home and become so relaxed, so much so that you’re ready for them to leave. 

Clearwater’s story is a great reminder of how important it is to be prepared for when guests come over. (make sure they don’t overstay their visit.)

To this end…we won’t go as for as Clearwater in ridding herself of her unwanted house guests; Why? There is a better way without using paint or anything else. 

So to find out what that method is, subscribe to my blog and leave a comment below, letting me know what you think!


For Reading!