The Journey: Through The Eyes Of A Child!

March 4, 2022


We all take a journey in life. There is no way to avoid it; we are born and die. We may not know it, but there will come a time when we have to step back and reflect on that journey.

It can be scary or exciting, depending on how your life has progressed. 

Sometimes you have to reach deep down inside yourself, or you have to turn your head and look at where you’ve been, and sometimes you have to stop and take in what’s around you.

 I’ve learned that the only way we can do this is by looking through the eyes of a child.

 This blog post will explore children’s views on what it means to live life and their deep connection with nature. 

Are they just seeing things differently?

What does it mean to live life? One thing is for sure; it’s a journey. Every person has a journey that they have to take to live life to the fullest. 

For some, it’s a long and complicated path; others may not know what the next step is when they get up every morning. 

But whatever the path may be, everyone’s journey will be different. 

Of course, there will be times of happiness, sadness, triumph, and defeat along the way.

 We learn so much about ourselves and how we interact with others through this process.

 Through The Eyes Of A Child.journey

  • Children also have a journey that they have to take to live life as a child.
  •  It starts with an innocent curiosity about everything around them. 
  • It grows into an understanding of who they are and how their actions affect others around them.
  • They develop empathy for those aspects of their lives that are harder than what adults experience, like being bullied or having a parent pass away from cancer. 

These journeys can be challenging but rewarding as children build character and learn about themselves along the way.

How The Young See Life.journey

It is said that children see life differently. They look at the world differently, as they haven’t experienced it all yet. 

As adults, we are too busy and caught up in our own lives to experience what it is like to be a child.

 Everything is exciting to them; they have no worries, because they haven’t seen the world’s horrors and tragedies.

 Something is refreshing about looking through those eyes again.

They live in a carefree state that only comes from a childhood filled with innocence and joy.

 Children’s perspective on life helps them become mature individuals who appreciate all that this world offers without getting jaded by the harsh realities of the adult world.

What To Do With Your Life?

life is now neon signage
Photo by Elina Fairytale on
  • Children’s views of life differ from what adults typically see. 
  • They deeply appreciate nature and the earth. 
  • And they view it as more than just something to exist on; 
  • In fact, they see it as a living entity that is just as important as humans. 

Children also have a unique perspective on how they view their own lives and the choices they make.

  •  They live their lives day by day, seeing one day at a time and not worrying about the future too much. 
  • It is all about enjoying each moment with what you have now, instead of waiting for something somebody else has given to you.

What does this mean for adults? 

Taking this concept to heart, we can put it to use in our own lives as adults. Instead of worrying about what might happen in the future, we should focus on the life in front of us. 

Life is hard enough without constantly looking back over your shoulder or worrying about things that haven’t happened yet. 

Just enjoy your moment and live in it now! journey

Summary      Read 

Life, like everything else, is a journey. There are ups, downs, and everything in between on this long journey.

  • If you are just starting a new career, starting a new life, or embarking on something new, it is easy to forget about the journey.
  •  But what about those who are already on the journey?
  •  What are their perspectives?

The Journey: Through The Eyes Of A Child” represents what it’s like to be on the journey from a child’s perspective. 

Anyone on their journey will find it an invaluable resource as it incorporates emotions, feelings, and thoughts. After all, what better way is there to learn about life than through someone else’s eyes?  Read more

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